The science of coffee

Coffee is a highly complex product. It is derived from 1500 chemical substances (approx. 850 volatile and 700 soluble), and when prepared correctly involves 13 independent chemical and physical variables. The science of coffee required a multidisciplinary approach involving the field of genetics, agronomy, botany, chemistry, biology, etc.

Coffee science begins with the growing process, where many factors influence the overall quality and chemical composition of the soil and its fertilization, and finally cultivation, harvesting and drying method used.

Coffee has a very high antioxidant content and is, in fact, the greatest source of antioxidants in the U.S. diet. The well-known ability of coffee is to increase performance on mental and physical tasks. The available data (international coffee organization) shows that coffee drinking is not a causal factor in the development of cancer at any body site, and may be protective in relation to liver, lower bowel and ovarian cancer.

Moderate intakes of caffeine have no long term adverse on hydration and can actually count towards daily fluid intake.

2 Responses to The science of coffee

  1. Veanna says:

    Now we know who the sensbile one is here. Great post!

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